Worship:  Why do we Thirst?

Summary: Every creature possesses a thirst deep which longs to be satiated.  Jesus draws a Samaritan woman into conversation at a well, all-the-while ignoring the social divisions of his day to address her real thirst.  Our thirst can teach us about our desire to worship the source of living water.

Scripture: John 4:7-15


1.  Describe a time when you’ve felt separated from others.  What brought you out of that pain?

2.  What can your thirst for daily water teach you about your spiritual thirst?

3.  Describe areas of your life where you allow social divisions to prevent you from engaging, like Jesus with those who thirst?  For example:  at work, grocery store, coffee shop, book clubs, sports practices, etc?  How could Jesus be challenging you to pushback against those norms?

4.  List the “empty cisterns” which have ultimately disappointed you as you’ve tried to keep them filled?  How can the living water Jesus offers us fill those?