Our Mission: Plant Churches

Summary: Are new churches necessary, or even valuable, for Kingdom advance today?  In Charlottesville?  Plant Churches – WE were made for this!


  1. Why is Jesus invested in his church? (Matthew 16:18, Eph. 3:10-11, Eph. 1:22-23)
  2. Do we believe the church is God’s vehicle for the gospel’s growth in the world? How does it flow from Jesus’ mission (Luke 19:10)?
  3. Did the number of churches per 10,000 people in Cville surprise you? Why or why not? What emotional response do you find yourself having related to new communities of disciples (lethargic, skeptical, protective, apathetic….)?
  4. A broader movement can happen when the church multiplies. What is an example of that happening? Yet – before there’s a movement, we have to MOVE.  If God spoke to you, would he find a willing ear?  What might hold you back from playing whatever role God may have?
  5. Am I willing to ask God what role I should play in beginning new communities? Who is one person I can process with about this?