LIFE. Ours belongs to God through Jesus, and yet plays out in a culture very different than His Kingdom. We are foreigners. Resident aliens. How will we live? What are we living for? How do the lives of those who follow Jesus intersect with a culture steeped in its own patterns that often war against the gospel?
1 Peter


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We began a new sermon series on April 26th.   Between now and August 2015, we’ll be looking in depth into this book and all that God may desire to show us.


The gospel of Jesus gives us a new birth into a living hope (1:3) by the living Word (1:23). Now we are living stones (2:5), set apart and defined by God (2:9-10) so that we might live good lives as expatriates (2:12), for God’s glory.   This means living by the Spirit (4:6) and for righteousness (2:24), following the way of Christ – even into suffering (2:18-25).   It is better to suffer than to sin (!).

1 Peter is really about Christ and culture… with power and beauty, Peter blends missiology, the pursuit of holiness, and the realities of suffering by focusing on Christ as both the object of faith and the example of faith. Peter’s letter challenges us to make a distinction between our lives and the “way of the world”; challenges us to examine what mission looks like and how to believe and witness to the gospel IN the world without compromising holiness.

Join us as we dive into the depths of Peter’s letter, God’s Word, and learn more what it looks like to walk out the tension between Christ and cultre.