If you’ve been to cvilleccc.org before, surely you notice the site’s new design?  We’ve been working hard to redesign the website to capture a snapshot of who we are for those looking for a church family, while keeping the information and tools available to those who are already a part of CCC.   A bulk of the start-up work and design was donated by Humbledown Productions – so a big thank you to them!


There’s a learning curve to new endeavors, and so we hope you’ll be patient as we learn the ropes with WordPress and new (to us) technologies.

Isn’t this just like other learning curves we face, such as in our spiritual lives?  How many times have we begun a new rhythm (in morning devotional times, for instance), only to stop when we hit a snag or slowdown?   Or to give up because we can’t see the end?


The Grace of God, however, offers the strength to persevere because in His grace we can fail, and by His grace we try again.  We know there’s nothing that can separate us from His love.  We know that there’s no condemnation in Christ.  We know that our sin – all of it – has received its just punishment on Christ’s cross.


Let’s approach life’s learning curves through the lens of grace, not with failure or discouragement tripping us up.