Christ Community is a family, bound together by God’s mercy. We are an emblem of love, extending God’s grace. We are part of a forever story, holding onto what God says in His Word. Along the way, we stumble, we doubt, we encounter hardship – BUT we know how the story ends. We believe the glorious hope about which God speaks – the hope of His full presence. You are invited to come and walk with us!
We are a church of small fellowship groups and smaller discipling groups – both of these relational structures aiming to help cultivate our maturity as follows of Jesus, the Son of God. Our larger Sunday worship gatherings seek to honor God first and foremost, from beginning to end. We come together as a body to be in His presence corporately, hear from His Word, and be changed. A typical service includes the following:
Call to Worship
Praise & Worship
Testimony or Prayer
Preaching of God’s Word
We aim to begin promptly at 10:00am. All are welcome. The time of singing and praise includes children of all ages. We believe the posture of our souls often follows the postures of our bodies. Thus, you may observe people raising their hands in worship, clapping, kneeling in submission, or worshiping through other expressions. There is no one right way to worship God.
Young children are dismissed to classes after the offering. Our preaching takes the Bible seriously as the Word of God. We believe that God desires to speak truth into our lives through His Word.
Other Questions? About our mission, local and international partnerships, beliefs or otherwise? We’d love to get to know you over coffee or a meal. Feel free to contact us by phone, (434) 293-2229, or by email, ccc@cvilleccc.org.